Monday 15 October 2018

How to Secure Your Account(BitCoin)

Before reading this post you must have complete all the necessary steps from post one here.

Secure Account
Step 1:
Click Security Center on the left side of the page

Step 2:
1. Click mobile verification and your mobile number
2. Get one time password on mobile and enter it on the web page

Step 3:
1. Click two step verification
2. Again received one time password and enter it

Step 4:
Click Settings and you can see Auto logout timing on downside, can change it

How to Get Your First (BitCoin)

Open Bitcoin Account
Step 1:
Go to website-

Step 2:
Click – Create new Blockchain Wallet and Fill the details (Remember email and passwords)

Step 3:
Get Started

Step 4:
Click –Start Receiving Bitcoins

Step 5:
1. Copy the Bitcoin Address like this-1PnSjJtAaAEe4gpA6aenA6hQAvDt4ckRnX
This Bitcoin Address like the bank account number. So don’t forget it.
2. Check your email and Click Conformation link

Step 6:
1. Click OK
2. It will show your wallet id and ask for password

3. It is important to note down this wallet id (d2c2ycfc-9fee-4dc0-bdcf-61e6d6d29e7d).
This like your name on the bank account

4. Enter password and Click signin
5. Top it will shows some popup. Need again verify your email account

Step 7:
Check your email account and Click verification link


Block-Chain (What You Need To Know)

What is Blockchain?
As a new user, you can get started with Bitcoin without understanding the technical details. Once you have installed a Bitcoin wallet on your computer or mobile phone, it will generate your first Bitcoin address and you can create more whenever you need one. You can disclose your addresses to your friends so that they can pay you or vice versa. In fact, this is pretty similar to how email works, except that Bitcoin addresses should only be used once.
Balances - block chain
The block chain is a shared public ledger on which the entire Bitcoin network relies. All confirmed transactions are included in the block chain. This way, Bitcoin wallets can calculate their spendable balance and new transactions can be verified to be spending bitcoins that are actually owned by the spender. The integrity and the chronological order of the block chain are enforced with cryptography.
Transactions - private keys
A transaction is a transfer of value between Bitcoin wallets that gets included in the block chain.
Bitcoin wallets keep a secret piece of data called a private key or seed, which is used to sign transactions, providing a mathematical proof that they have come from the owner of the wallet.
The signature also prevents the transaction from being altered by anybody once it has been issued. All transactions are broadcast between users and usually begin to be confirmed by the network in
the following 10 minutes, through a process called mining.
Processing - mining
Mining is a distributed consensus system that is used to confirm waiting transactions by including them in the block chain. It enforces a chronological order in the block chain, protects the
neutrality of the network, and allows different computers to agree on the state of the system. To be confirmed, transactions must be packed in a block that fits very strict cryptographic rules that
will be verified by the network. These rules prevent previous blocks from being modified because doing so would invalidate all following blocks. Mining also creates the equivalent of a competitive lottery that prevents any individual from easily adding new blocks consecutively in the block chain. This way, no individuals can control what is included in the block chain or replace parts of
the block chain to roll back their own spends.


BitCoin (Some Alternatives)

Best Alternatives
Price: $25.26
Market Capitalization: $600 million
Of all the competing cryptocurrencies, Litecoin is the most similar to Bitcoin. It has been thought of as silver to Bitcoin’s gold, or MasterCard to Bitcoin’s Visa. It has also managed to gain the second-highest market capitalization amongst digital currencies. One key difference includes a different hashing algorithm designed so that mining Litecoins won’t result in a similar hardware arms race to the one Bitcoin is currently involved in. Litecoin mining these days involves rigs of video cards, or GPUs. It’s similar to how Bitcoin mining was a few years ago, until its ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits) were designed from the ground up to mine Bitcoins. Litecoins also feature faster confirmation times due to shorter and faster block rewards. It’s scheduled to produce 84 million Litecoins, four times as much as Bitcoin’s 21 million.

Price: $6.26
Market Capitalization: $131 million
Peercoin’s distinguishing feature is that is uses a method called proof of stake as part of its mining, or as Peercoiners often like to say, “minting.” Proof-of-stake rewards minters for the Peercoins they hold over time. This is measured in “coin days,” one coin day being equivalent to holding one coin for one day. It’s similar to how a kilowatt hour is defined as using a kilowatt over the course of one hour. So the more coins you hold over a longer time, the more Peercoins you receive through minting. This is in contrast to most
cryptocurrencies’ proof-of-work mining, which rewards miners based on how much computing power they contribute to the keeping track of transactions. Peercoin also uses proof-of-work mining in conjunction with proof-of-work minting, although Peercoin is programmed to eventually rely only on proof-of-work mining.
The maximum limit for the number of these coins is 2 billion. This is so much higher than Bitcoin’s 21 million that it encourages inflationary pressure, which counterbalances the deflationary pressure caused by everyone trying to mint Peercoins and holding onto them.
Price: 4.1 cents
Market Capitalization: $40 million
Nxt is most similar to Peercoin in that is utilizes proof of stake to generate more coins. But unlike Peercoin, it uses proof of stake exclusively. The only way to get more Nxt coins is to hold them or exchange them in a process dubbed “forging,” in contrast to Bitcoin mining and Peercoin minting. This has a “green” appeal in that it requires no massive, power-consuming hardware rigs, just a small program that will run on pretty much any modern computer. This also has the practical appeal of not requiring users to invest in the extra hardware and electricity. Instead, you merely exchange something for your initial Nxt coins. Nxt’s developers also pride themselves on having written the Nxt code from scratch, while most alternative cryptocurrencies were developed from using Bitcoin’s code as a basis.
Price: $6.73
Market Capitalization: $52 million
Namecoin is similar to other cryptocurrencies, but with the additional feature of being a way to register domain names. Instead of .com or .net, Namecoin domain names have the .bit extension. Any method of registering and controlling a domain name is called a domain name system, or DNS. The current method of domain name registration is regulated by a nonprofit organization called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN. Because ICANN is a centralized organization, it ultimately has power over domain names and can shut down websites for political or other reasons. But because Namecoin is a decentralized network, no one is in control of it. Just like Bitcoin is a decentralized network that takes the power away from banks and other financial institutions, Namecoin is a decentralized network that takes the power away from ICANN or any other centralized DNS organization. Namecoin is also traded for its own sake, just like Bitcoin. It’s just like any other cryptocurrency but with the added feature of a decentralized DNS system, which amounts to more “intrinsic value,” which everyone is looking for.
Price: 0.045 cents
Market Capitalization: $11 million
Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency inspired by the “Doge” Internet meme. Compared with the other cryptocurrencies, Doge is most similar to Litecoin. It uses scrypt, the same cryptographic function as Litecoin. A total of 100 billion Dogecoins will ever be mined, which is even more than Peercoin. Yet because the block reward is so large and frequent (every minute), Dogecoin miners have already mined almost 25 billion Dogecoins, almost 25% of the total. While Doge gets my vote for the best Internet meme of 2013, you would think that a cryptocurrency wouldn’t manage to go far based on novelty. Yet Dogecoin’s market capitalization is almost $7 million.

BitCoin (Things You Need to Know)

Special About the Bitcoin System:
The Bitcoin is a system which allows you to do anonymous currency transactions and no one will come to know about the payment or about all other info related to the payment, including who sent it, who received it, etc.
Satoshi did it by making the system – a peer-to-peer network – controlled by no central authority but run
by a network of contributors and freedom enthusiasts, who donated their time and energy to this innovation.
Essentially, people can do money transactions and no authority or organization will come to know about it.
Satoshi Nakamoto was so talented that he even solved the problem of double spending of digital currency
in his system.

Double Spending:
We can make many copies of digital data, e.g. people copy software and sell it as counterfeit or pirated
copies. We may face the same problem with digital currency – one can copy the digital currency (let’s suppose USD100) and use it as many time as he/she like (as many notes of USD100). Satoshi solved this problem by showing all transactions in a public list. Whenever a new transaction is made, its validity is checked by confirming from the list that the digital currency was not used before. This way, no one can copy the currency and use it for more than one time. It’s a simple but effective idea to stop double spending of the same bitcoin.

The public listing only shows the transaction ID and the amount of currency transferred. You will be anonymous in the system because you don’t need to provide any of your personal details like your name, address, email, phone number, etc. In comparison, when you use payment gateways like Paypal you have to give up all these personal details.
Using of Bitcoin:
Bitcoins are kept in a digital wallet which you can keep in your computer, or on a website online, which
will manage and secure your wallet for you. You can have as many wallets and bitcoin addresses (where you receive money from others) as you like. What’s more, you can use Bitcoin software on top of Tor to prevent anyone from tracking your IP address – total anonymity guaranteed!
Total Bitcoins:
At this very moment, 10.71 million Bitcoins are in existence, which is like 207.929 million USD worth!
In fact, the Canadian government is working on their own crypto-currency, named MintChip. (a glance:)
Mintchip, In one day, more than 45,000 transactions of a total of BTC 2.5 million (worth of USD48.5
million) is handled by the bitcoin network.
Spend Bitcoins:
Spending Bitcoins is a bit easier. You can send Bitcoins to a person, buy goods, or donate to non-profit foundations who accept it, such as Wikileaks, P2P Foundation, Operation Anonymous, Free Software Foundation,
You can send Bitcoins to anyone once you know their bitcoin address.
For merchandise, you can buy products from merchants that accept Bitcoins. Example – BitcoinDeals.

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